Report Archives

Vol 14

Ashley Kilmartin
Director of Strategic Partnerships

Overcoming 2024’s Medical Billing Hurdles: Navigating Coding Complexities, Denials, and Compliance with Advanced Solutions

In 2024, the medical billing sector grapples with several challenges including the growing complexity of billing codes, increasing rates of claim denials, the shift towards value-based care, and stringent regulatory compliance demands. With nearly half of healthcare providers reporting a rise in denial rates due to various discrepancies, adapting billing systems for new reimbursement models and continuously updating practices for regulatory compliance is essential for maintaining efficiency and accuracy in healthcare revenue cycle management.

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Vol 13

Ashley Kilmartin
Director of Strategic Partnerships

Enhancing Financial Health with Tech-Driven Solutions for Underpayment in Healthcare

Underpayments significantly disrupt healthcare providers’ revenue cycles and operational efficiency. They often stem from several sources such as coding mistakes, incorrect patient data, or incomplete documentation, which lead to financial discrepancies that can be both persistent and costly. By pinpointing the root causes such as coding errors—which are responsible for up to 80% of billing mistakes—we can better tailor solutions to prevent them.

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Vol 12

Ashley Kilmartin
Director of Strategic Partnerships

Navigating the Complexities of Telemedicine in Modern Healthcare

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine, marking an increase of over 154% in telehealth visits in just the early weeks of the pandemic, as reported by the CDC. This surge is not just a temporary shift; it represents a fundamental transformation in how healthcare services are delivered, emphasizing the need for robust digital infrastructure. Telemedicine has proven essential for providing continued medical care during crises, and its integration into daily healthcare practices is becoming increasingly crucial.

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Vol 7

Ashley Kilmartin
Director of Strategic Partnerships

Financial Vital Signs: Strategies for Reducing Errors and Improving Cash Flow

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are critical because they serve as quantifiable measures that gauge the financial health and operational success of a medical practice. They enable healthcare organizations to monitor cash flow, evaluate the efficiency of billing processes, and identify issues such as coding errors and claim denials.

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Vol 2

Ashley Kilmartin
Director of Strategic Partnerships

The Impact of Ransomware Attacks and Data Security Breaches on the Healthcare Industry

Ransomware attacks and data security breaches pose a significant threat to the healthcare industry. The impact can be severe, both in terms of financial losses and patient safety. Ransomware attacks can result in the encryption and potential loss of sensitive patient data, leading to operational disruptions, compromised patient care, and financial implications due to potential regulatory fines and legal actions.

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